Monday, September 10, 2007

Know the sign of pancreas disease.

The main jobs Pancreas in our body and its has two main jobs, one is to produce juices which help our body to digest or break down food. The second function is that its produce hormones, such as insulin and glucagon, that help control blood sugar levels. This help the hormones in the body to store and use the energy its get from the food. People who are long standing patients and heavy smokers are at high risk of getting pancreatic cancer.

People who had sign of pancreatic cancer and the possible sign are jaundice(yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes). Others of the possibl sign loss of appetite, pain in the upper or middle adomen and the back, fatique and unexplained loss in weight. Pancreatic cancer is usually diagnosed with tests and procedures that produce pictures of the pancreas and the area around it. When planning treatment is better to know the stages of the disease, whether it can removed by surgery or not.

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