Monday, July 31, 2006

pancreas diseases : Ferret Diseases and Illness

Ferrets are fun and lively pets, but there are many ferret diseases that can strike quickly so you need to be sure to monitor your pets health carefully.

Ferrets can get sick just like any other pet and can even catch a cold or flu from you. Just like other pets, it might be difficult to tell when your ferret is sick. Since ferrets are often bundles of energy, you might notice that your ferret is a bit less energetic or simply just laying around, much like you do when you don’t feel well. This could indicate a simple cold or may mean something more serious.

A ferret that has caught a cold might have a runny nose, coughing and might even start sneezing. He may have other symptoms such as a fever, diarrhea, and he may not want to eat much either. To determine for sure if your ferret has a common cold or one of the more serious ferret diseases, you should take him to your vet at the first sign of illness.

If it is determined that your ferret has a simple common cold, you can help him get over his illness by giving him lots of fluids. You will want to prevent him from becoming dehydrated and may want to try giving him some rehydrating drinks made for children.

If your ferret has symptoms that last longer then a few days or stops eating or drinking, this can indicate serious illness or disease and you should get him to the vet right away. Ferrets have a very high metabolism and if the animal dehydrates himself, he can slip away rather quickly if he does not get the help that he needs.

One of the common ferret diseases is adrenal disease which is a cancer of the adrenal glands. Symptoms of this disease include hair loss and possibly the animal becoming more aggressive than usual. This condition can be fatal if it is not taken care of right away.

Insulinoma is another common ferret type of disease. This cancer affects the pancreas and causes the production of insulin to increase causing the ferrets blood sugar to drop to a dangerously low level. Symptoms of this condition include lethargy, seizures, and foaming at the mouth.

There are also a number of viral diseases that can also cause illness in your ferret. He could have any number of conditions including loss of appetite, diarrhea, and weight loss. If you notice any of these symptoms, it is necessary for you to contact your vet as many of the conditions can be a signal of something that is threatening to the life of your pet.

In order to keep your pet healthy and happy, you should be sure he sees the vet yearly and watch his behavior closely for signs of change. With proper care, your ferret can live a healthy life of 8 years or even more.

Lee Dobbins writes for where you can find out more about how to care for your pet ferret.

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